Wednesday, June 10, 2015

To use FREE blogs or Paid? That is the question!

I know some people think FREE BLOGs are unprofessional ,
and that is ok, everyone has an opinion on that , no doubt !

 I have actually tried & used most paid versions out there over
the years, and also spent years doing SEO on paid sites, learning
all the tricks , blah, blah... blah, only to have it all wiped out overnight
sometimes, ( literally)  EVEN on the Paid ONES... so there you go!
Admittedly you either love wordpress OR google & both are great....

But ,  guess what is still online and still found when searching old work,
sometimes stuff you wish you had forgotten all about... LOL
(before we know, what we know now!)  always the FREE Blogs are found,
 go figure!   So why would you not use them?

Good question.. anyway,  things have gotten much easier these days..
useful software, drop & drag, point & click,  copy & paste etc ...
 it is a techie phobe's dream now days , but sometimes we just like ,
what we like using .. and GOOGLE does seem to rule the world , just a little...
 LOL so hey !  ....

I have been updating this one, I only started it not that long ago, 
(after losing yet another years work on another site) ..   
so excuse the look of it on occasion... (& it is always a work in progress.)

Obviously if I had a brick & mortar business I would  not be here,
and I would have a website for that too,  however most of what I do
right now is 100% online, so having a base with everything all in one place
is good value and makes perfect sense to me.

EVERYTHING on here is 100% legit  from my OWN experiences,  and  just
remember everyone is different, some might  love something, you might not!

So feel free to contact me if you have any
questions about what you find here! 

Cheers ,  Dianne in NZ however .... 
Dianne in Vietnam (at the moment)  :) 

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