Thursday, January 30, 2020

Two new videos and another milestone reached ... WOW weeeee ....

So exciting to see how fast our Founding Family is growing...
Two new short videos ....&  Happy Freaky Friday coming up... πŸ˜€


Our ONPASSIVE solution will be a game changer for sure! 


Short & Sweet videos , Enjoy!  

😎 Have a great Weekend! 😎

Rumours , lies and allibies ... LOL

& Another new milestone of course ..  DOH! 

Life has a way of having bumps in the road on a daily basis..

Watch this space tomorrow ...  

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Happy Lunar New Year and yet another milestone reached in ONPASSIVE already......



Wednesday, January 15, 2020

ONPASSIVE ~ Hitting warp speed milestones ...

Wow, growing super fast, hitting milestones in days now, not weeks...  πŸ˜ƒ

We hit the 52,000 , then 53,000 , now almost at 54,000 Founders....

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Watch out Universe, ONPASSIVE is getting close to launching ....

We actually got an email earlier today which sounded like things are speeding up,
and getting very close now, to unleash the beast that is ONPASSIVE! πŸ’₯😁 

Is it just me....  Or does the Universe resemble one huge, gigantic eyeball ... ? 
Bit creepy or  Super Cool ? ....  lol 😌 The latter, I think... πŸ‘€


"Let go of the past and totally forget all other past experiences, 
ONPASSIVE is not another one, not only a better one, 
it's THE ONE ... Yes, The PERFECT ONE!"
 ~ Mr. Ash Mufareh 😁 
This could be your very last chance to become a Founder! 
Come join the FRAMILY ! 
No, it is not a spelling mistake, a cool word for Friends who are Family ...  

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Another fantastic milestone reached already .... Zoom, Zoom....

ONPASSIVE has hit yet another huge milestone ... 
Getting faster & bigger, much more quickly now...
Word is spreading how huge ONPASSIVE will be in 2020! 


ONPASSIVE ~ Changing lives, one person
at a time. Are YOU next? πŸ˜„ .... Go~GoFounders!! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year for 2020


2020 does have a nice ring to it, it will be a good one! Happy New Year! 

