Monday, June 5, 2023

What happened to May ? it is already June ...

 May was a month of dismay for me ...  My mother passed away on the 4th of May, so the rest of the month is still a little blurry... sadly. πŸ’” 

Not so sad now, she had a good long life, we have loads of photos and great memories of & with her.  She was much loved by many.

She lived with us for her last few months and she will be missed.  

 πŸ˜πŸ’–RIP Mum. 

Much loved and never forgotten πŸ’žπŸ˜

Back into work mode soon and ONPASSIVE is becoming huge in quite a few countries now, America, Dubai, India and Egypt now, still unsure about the AI side of things yet until I know more .... 😊