Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Merry Christmas to all,

 The way time is flying on by, I thought I would get in an early Merry Christmas as no doubt the next 11 days will fly on by too ...  😍 So here is to wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Watch this space .........    πŸ˜‰ in 2024..... 

  It looks like ONPASSIVE is already massive in Dubai of all places, they had a display at the huge technical show Gitex Global, video below.  Huge innovation for sure,  not sure how I feel about the AI side of things yet... Good or bad? who knows... 

Seems to be a lot of AI and virtual reality going on there. Very technical stuff, 
ONPASSIVE is set to huge in that department.  Give me real life any day, lol 
Stay sane and enjoy every moment in the here & now.... 

"There is joy in being in the moment" 😌

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving day!

 To those in America that celebrate thanksgiving day, have a great day! ✌

To me EVERY DAY we should be grateful for, in the USA and ALL around the world. 

The best is yet to come... so hang in there and enjoy each moment in the now! Always be grateful for just being alive and enjoy every moment.  πŸ˜πŸ’“ Love & light to ALL... 

Stay blessed and keep the faith, as not everything is as it seems right now...  πŸ’–

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

My anniversary date matches a few different things these days it seems...

 While myself and Kevin always saw 11.11 on a daily basis, we decided that had to be the day we got married, it was 11.11.11 at 1.11pm after 7 years together already.... Some say it is angelic numbers and others occult numbers, I prefer angelic thanks ... πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ 

While it is also remembrance day and now "singles day" apparently ???  hmmmm!

The date and meaning is special to many and this year it will make history perhaps.. 

The best is yet to come, never forget the past and pray for a great future for all.  πŸ™

Great song and 8:32 is coming....   google it (with the dots) πŸ˜πŸ’–So be it! 😍

Sunday, October 22, 2023

AAC is launching shortly....


 I did not intend to join anything new, however we all need good advertising and this seems to be a good one for everyone.  

Free membership and starts from $10 packages, so it was a no brainer, as they say! 😐

It launches in a couple of days and seems to be creating quite a stir online,

 for good reason 😍we all need what they have to offer.....  so check it out today...

You will most likely be seeing it everywhere, if you haven't already ....  πŸ‘€


If you have any type of business online or offline, YOU need good advertising where paid customers are,  whether you are an affiliate or the boss of your own business. 

Everyone will be happy about this one,  of that I am sure! πŸ’žπŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜œ

While there is a competition going on right now, I think I am a little late for that part, some lucky winners will be very happy though .... " Rock on" ✌bring it on ......  😁


Thursday, September 21, 2023

ONPASSIVE semi launched LOL

 While part of ONPASSIVE launched officially, there seems to be issues still with the O-connect, while it is hugely popular in Dubai and India the Western world is still wondering what it is all about and or have never heard of it yet...  5 Years in the making and looks like they celebrate ONPASSIVE in mega style in Dubai ...  😊 

                     Pretty exciting times ahead, it seems so anyhoo ...  πŸ’“πŸ‘


One can only hope and pray for the good stuff to hurry up and happen... 
and SOON ...  πŸ˜€Amen and Amen 😁

πŸ˜‰πŸ˜LOL πŸ˜πŸ˜†

Saturday, September 9, 2023

RIP Molly , our dear wee dog we loved so much....

                 She will be missed immensely, so broken heartedπŸ’”πŸ’˜πŸ˜£

                                      Awww, Look at that faceπŸ‘€ So cute, she was

                                                       &  a sweet wee soul indeed. 

                                          πŸ˜πŸ™RIP MollyπŸ’–πŸ’žYou were so loved!πŸ’”

And to cheer up a little, this one worked ~🌻
Mothers, I do remember most of them too... 😍

Molly and my Mother will never be forgotten! 
Both left us in 2023.  πŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ™πŸ’«

Some good news from ONPASSIVE this week, however I  will leave that for another day, as not really feeling in work mode today at all.   Love & Light to ALL ✌

Thursday, August 17, 2023

What in the world is going on ? Insanity it seems....

 Is it this simple?  😍

"If we don't like what's happening to us in the world, all we have to do is change our consciousness - and the world out there changes for us!”

— Lester Levenson

Seems so simple, yet why is everyone freaking out? Maybe some good advice here: 

It is so frustrating to see the mainstream media so full of sh*t still, yet proof galore is out there, if you stop watching the TV,  the world seems a lot less stressful.   πŸ˜ No idea what is going on with ONPASSIVE either, seems the SEC has an issue with it at the moment.  

 I always wondered about AI and how it will effect our everyday lives.  While I have not yet used the new Chat AI stuff ,  do not intend to either.  I know there will be good and bad AI depending on who has control of it I suppose. The WEF are making it quite clear they do not have humans best interests at heart, in fact they have NO heart.  

While all the turmoil is going on, all we can hope for is justice at some point.  At times like these I wish I had been a lawyer or a doctor perhaps, then again, maybe I should be glad I am not either of those. 

Just an ordinary woman, a mother and a proud grandmother and very hopeful for the future of mankind.  πŸ’–  WWG1WGA! πŸ˜„

           Stay brave ~ stay blessed.  Live in love and not fear.

                                                πŸ˜πŸ’– NZ Loyal patriot. πŸ’“πŸ˜Š

 Like most countries that have two major parties which are both corrupted by the UN puppets, we now have alternative choices thankfully..   If you are a kiwi, sign up at voters united today, we want to see some real change in the 2023 election. 😊

Click the pic' πŸ‘‡Cheers!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Every day should be Independence Day..... beyond the 4th of July

 While ONPASSIVE after almost 5 years still has not launched all the products yet, it seems it is already a household name in India and Dubai apparently.   πŸ˜Š

In the meantime, finding a double headed flower was fun.... our wedding flowers were the bird of paradise because of the colours mostly the theme of purple & orange throughout.

Had never seen one with two flowers on the one stalk, very unusual to find. πŸ˜ƒ Sort of like finding that four leaf clover LOL ...Super cool. The one on the left each one was facing a different direction on the same stem.  

With everything else going on in the world, too much to put it all here, so will leave my conspiracy theories for my other blog @  .. πŸ˜πŸ˜„

And not just because of my love of purple and orange , this is an important one for us kiwis to know about for the up and coming elections in New Zealand.   There is somewhere we can go to try to unite the smaller parties together and see whose policies we like the most. 



Monday, June 5, 2023

What happened to May ? it is already June ...

 May was a month of dismay for me ...  My mother passed away on the 4th of May, so the rest of the month is still a little blurry... sadly. πŸ’” 

Not so sad now, she had a good long life, we have loads of photos and great memories of & with her.  She was much loved by many.

She lived with us for her last few months and she will be missed.  

 πŸ˜πŸ’–RIP Mum. 

Much loved and never forgotten πŸ’žπŸ˜

Back into work mode soon and ONPASSIVE is becoming huge in quite a few countries now, America, Dubai, India and Egypt now, still unsure about the AI side of things yet until I know more .... 😊

Monday, April 24, 2023

Lest We Forget ... our 25th of April is Anzac Day here and in Australia


My Grandfather was killed in WW1 and my Father was a RAF pilot in WW2, so I will never forget. 😍

I have a bit to catch up on with ONPASSIVE, however we are about to see it come to fruition shortly it seems. 
Lots going on in the background.  HUGELY exciting. 
πŸ’–Watch this space....  

Friday, March 31, 2023

Is it just me ? or is time flying by way faster these days,

 Literally wondering where March went .......  πŸ’«

Anyway, still waiting on ONPASSIVE to launch, it is huge in some countries already, have not been keeping up as much as I should be, having my 89 year old mother living with us, time seems to fly right on by every day, plus my garden is looking lovely now. 🌻

πŸ‘πŸŽπŸŠπŸπŸ‰πŸ‡πŸ…πŸ„πŸŒ± Growing all sorts of goodies! 

Love getting out in the sun and getting my hands dirty in the garden when I can between the rainy days that is ...  heavy rain today, hence the blog post ...  lol  πŸ˜€

πŸ’₯If only these greeny, brainwashed, nut jobs knew the basics!

We are the CO2 they are trying to get rid of sadly! 😏

Let that sink in for a minute or two! 

πŸ˜πŸ’–Love, laugh and live good! 😊

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

"the storm is upon us" , now has a whole new meaning....

 I don't think many New Zealanders are going to forget Cyclone Gabrielle in a hurry.... we survived the storm of the century at least.  Many didn't sadly.   

We got lucky with just a few branches flying and some of the new garden washing away, our house is still intact thankfully.  So many were not so lucky up & down the country. 

Roads washing away, thousands without power still, the internet was at best, useless.

Then the 6.3 earthquake after the cyclone. .. what in the world ???   

Anyhoo, have lots to catch up on it seems, online anyway....  the gardens are fixed and tree branches removed with a couple of  nice sunny days to get it all done. It was a hairy few days but feeling very lucky indeed.   Hearts go out to the not so lucky ones.  πŸ’”

Feeling grateful and blessed right now with so much going on all over the world, "the best is yet to come"  I am certain of that.  Make the most of every moment! πŸ’–πŸ˜πŸ’•

       Live, love, laugh!✌😊

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

AI ~good or bad? can it be both ? Good question...

 ONPASSIVE is supposed to be the good kind of AI and the 

WEF are definitely NOT good at all. πŸ˜’

So my question is maybe, it depends who has control of it and is it helpful or not ?

Or do we want to be glued to any computer for hours a day? I know I love sunshine, fresh air, gardening and the outdoors more than being inside stuck at a computer all day. 😊🌱🌻 HOWEVER...

I know ONPASSIVE has a great CEO there, it has become a household name in places like India and Dubai already, which is fantastic and good news. 

We are still waiting to see how it all works for us all.  Time will tell. 

Soaring like the eagle...

"The best is yet to come" 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy New Year to all .....


Now that the truth is coming out about a lot of the not so nice things, it may not be a very happy new year for many,  sadly.  πŸ˜”
Seems ironic that all the good stuff is coming out this year, like ONPASSIVE and the LiveGood business is attracting a lot of attention now too, yet all the horrible lies are coming out at the same time, most of which will blow peoples' minds once they find out what has really been going on in the world.  (Sad but true) 

The great awakening is happening.  A little lost for words really. πŸ’
ONPASSIVE IS LAUNCHING and people will need good products, so win/win for all those involved with the good stuff ... & let the evil ones be gone! 😊

Peace, love & light 😍