Thursday, February 27, 2025

What's going on ?

 Well, where do you start ?   I have been awake a few years now, been called a bunch of names and told I was crazy, even by my own children LOL 😁

Now it seems the rest of the world is catching up. YAY! 💖

No, I told you so's, at this point just feeling grateful that everything is about to be exposed to the public. Full disclosure is coming...........  😍Then justice! 

FINALLY...... Those who still do not see, will be in for some rude awakenings!💥💫

I am still hopeful that ONPASSIVE will eventually launch, (I may be wishful thinking) there, but never say never.  It has only been 7 years now, waiting on that to happen LOL So have learnt what it means to have patience (REAL patience) indeed.  😎

                        Too funny really, but not funny at all!

               💓Oh so true! Stay positive and hang on tight!✌

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