Friday, September 27, 2019

We broke records this morning... LOL and servers!

The private Founders ONLY call this morning was amazing... 
most of us managed to last on it for about 5 to 6 hours listening ....
UNHEARD OF, It was that good! 😁

True Story: We Exploded Anymeetings server.. 
In fact this webinar broke all records in every way!
The call started at my 4am so I got up early so not to get locked out,
I logged on at 3.30am and it finished at my 9.30am 😁it was so worth it indeed. 
I knew it would be packed out early.. but we broke it completely LOL 
Another reason why Ash has built his own webinar platform which will 
be just one part of the many products all under one roof in ONPASSIVE! 

There is still a very short time to become a founder, then that opportunity will 
be gone for years , if not forever.. OUCH! 
This is 100% Legal, it will be unstoppable and untouchable and around for
many, many, years long after we are gone and it is willable. 💑
He even went over the details of why, but obviously we can not share all 
those details with the public. 
The recording is in our back office for Founders Only to hear. 
So why should you join us?  Read below! 😍

Now over 40,000 + ... and growing fast.
Latest count as from today... 

The next "Super Unicorn" 
We are all in it , to win it! 
You could be too, if you take action NOW! 😎


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