Sunday, March 15, 2020

ONPASSIVE/GoFounders phases & Why should you join us?

PHASE 1 - GoFounders  😊

This the current stage during which anyone worldwide can
acquire a Founder position at a cost of $97. As I write this
there are 64550 folks who have gathered the
information and have become Founders. This, I'm sure,
will prove to be a life-changing decision for them as it
will be for you should you decide to join us as we continue
to add 200 to 300 new Founders to our community each
day. However, there is now a very short window as we enter
the much anticipated home stretch of this awesome journey.

Why would someone want to purchase a Founder

Because they will be positioned in the company-wide 3 X
infinity matrix ahead of the masses that will be joining
when we proceed to phase 2 of the project.


This is the main platform that the programming team
continues to develop. This work has been ongoing for
about 2 years. The reason it is taking so long to launch
is apparent to those who are familiar with the project.
Those who cannot afford Founder positioning will
certainly want to join ONPASSIVE when it launches
in the very near future.

Why would someone want to join ONPASSIVE?

Because it utilizes a business model that solves the
problem that plagues 97% of the folks who participate
in a referral-based marketing business opportunity.

What is the problem?

97 out of every 100 participants, for a variety of reasons,
are not ready, willing or able to refer others to the
opportunity. Those who do not refer others earn
very little or nothing at all.

What is the solution?

The solution is the ONPASSIVE platform which uses
all of the common marketing techniques to drive traffic
on behalf of the folks who are participating in the project.
More importantly and for the first time ever in our industry,
in addition to time-tested marketing techniques, it will
utilize Artificial Intelligence to drive traffic. Here is what
ONPASSIVE will provide for everyone who participates....

....Guaranteed Unique Visitors
....Breakthrough Marketing Tools Using Top-Notch Technology
....Artificial Intelligence At It's Best
....Guaranteed Income Opportunity On Autopilot
....100% Hands Free Running On Automation
....Ultimate Residual Income Solution
....The Universal Solution To The Problem

Don't believe it?

Too good to be true?

I can understand your skepticism.

However, do not allow it to prevent you from gathering the
information. Over 64500 folks have gathered the information
and have made a very wise decision.

Here is one of my favorite overview videos that was produced
by Scott Nelson* back in August of last year. You will learn
about our proprietary products and our compensation plan
which is the best and fairest I have ever seen during my 25
years in the referral-based marketing arena.

Sadly, Scott passed away in December, but is with us in spirit
and will be never forgotten.   ğŸ˜‡

"Being in the right place at the right time
 isn't the key to success. 
Realizing that you're there and doing something
about it is the key." 
Robert Kiyosaki

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